....Darn Sowf....part 3...the journey home.

I think the totally forgetful foam mattress and I fought an honourable draw last night...I was only woken once....but about 7.10 there was an almighty crash....followed about 30 seconds later by a knock on the door.

The Boss' Dad had fallen in the bathroom....fortunately there was no harm done to him....but the towel rail ws out for the count.....Peace was quickly restored....the towel rail fitted back into place and the Boss went back to sleep.

But wait I hear you cry! Back to sleep after 7.00....surely breakfast is at 7.30? Not at weekends it isn't....at weekends it's 8.30-9.30. I got dressed...went out for a fag and a stroll...the Boss joined me for a afag about 8.20....and then we strode into the dining room.....to be faced by the elders!....we had forgotten to tell them about the change of time....and they'd been sat at the table since 7.45! in mitigation I plead that we had only found out ourselves about the change after we got back from yesterday's party.....and this morning's excitement had made us completely forget to pass the message on.

Still no real harm done.....we ate....the usual....Ian and Karen arrived at the next table..pleasant conversation.....then bill paid....car packed and we set off home at around 9.50.

We flew along the M5 and about 34 miles form Birmingham we stopped for a fag and a driver change......and then the trouble started....the M5 and M6 are currently testing "traffic calming" procedures....which basically means turning on the caution signs...setting a speed limit below 60mph...and even closing a lane....any time they feel there are too many vehicles traveling close together....so every one slows down for a mile or two....but obviously there's no road works or accidents so drivers get twitchy....and slow down a bit more...until every one is bunched up doing 20 mph or less..........and then suddenly all the signs switch off....and every one speeds up....until we're all dong 70...and then all the caution signs come on again....and we all slow down again,,,,and then....well you can guess the rest...it must have happened five times between Birmingham and our next stop at Knutsford Services.

3 quick coffees...and a tea...and we were on our way......we made it to Manchester Piccadilly with about 15 minutes to spare (about 3.12 for the 15.27 train to Newcastle)..........got Jean and the F-in-L on the train home and then drove the 12 miles our so to our humble abode.

Coffee....a chat with the S & H and Charlie...and the daughter.....and then I gently reminded the Boss that we had to be at an Evening wedding reception by 8.30....because I was taking the photos!

So showered....changed....Sat Nav on and off we went..........the Boss was the designated driver this time........we stayed until 11.00 until exhaustion took over....I took about 150 photos....and we got home just after midnight........totally knackered....and I have to be up at 6-00 for a big fishing match!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

If you can't work it out for yourself this is a shot of the happy couple.....Andrea is one of our Science Faculty

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