...Darn Sowf...part 3...the party....

Two Canadian Chinese lanterns and a wasp trap!

The Alzheimer's foam mattress won again....turfing me out of bed at 4.45...with cramp....but after 7 hours sleep...with only two breaks!

Breakfast again....but this time we remembered...no beans for the Boss...no food of Beelzebub for me........the old folk were only 10 minutes behind us.....we ate then went back to our rooms for an hour or so...before heading off for the big party to celebrate Jean's 90th!.....even though it isn't actually her birthday yet....but there were several good reasons why it had to be now.

When we arrived at our hosts, at 10.30 we were greeted by their two sons and daughters in law....and the three children....and the secret was revealed.......one of the son's had flown in unbeknown to his grandmother, mother or wife.....an excellent surprise for his wife and mother yesterday....and his grandmother today!

The rest of the morning was spent chatting, drinking coffee and preparing for the party.

The garden was set up with tables, chairs and gazebo......the table was laid with a wonderful spread....a salmon...trout pate (caught and made by Nigel), pies. meats, coleslaw, pickles etc, etc, etc....the guests arrived....the drink flowed...except for me...I was designated driver!.....conversations took place....jokes and stories were told, photographs were taken.

About 2.00 lunch was served.........and then the desserts appeared.....summer fruits and cream abounded............some guests drifted away as the afternoon progressed....birthday cakes with candles for Jean and one of Nigel and Clair's daughters-in-law (another Clair) appeared....Happy Birthday was sung....cakes were cut and eaten.

More drink flowed......a barbecue was lit around 7.00........I drove the F-in-L and Jean back to the hotel around 11.00...and then went back for the Boss and Nigel's brother Ian and his wife Karen....two of the nicest people you could wish to meet....I have no idea what time we left....but we had a couple of drinks back at the hotel..before retiring to bed...exhausted....but the good kind of exhausted from having an absolutely brilliant day!

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