Ravenous Rabbit?

More like Foodie Rabbit, helping itself today to apples that have fallen off our tree, two evenings ago to the carrot tops I threw out for it -- although it ate only the remnants of the orange roots, not the feathery greens -- and last weekend, a few pieces of a baguette that had gone stale.

To be fair, we've also seen it eating dry leaves (why?), dandelion flowers and stalks, and if nothing else looks appealing, grass and clover.

(In another one of those amazing connections between blippers, Maria in Wales and I have recently figured out that I was in Aberystwyth on a post-graduate library course at the same time as her husband, Old Herbaceous! Four decades have gone by, and time has dimmed my memory of my classmates -- and many other things -- but I'm still impressed by this coincidence.)

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