
By dwalletta

Witches and wicked bodies

Cackling exhibition at the Gallery of Modern Art, exploring artists' views of witches through the centuries. Lots of broomsticks, warts and whiskery chins. Lots of rude bits too - I never knew witches got up to so much debauchery. The things they could do with broomsticks made my eyes water.

The exhibition had its serious side too, including a 16th century pamphlet 'Newes from Scotland', portraying the North Berwick witch trials, when King James VI of Scotland took a personal interest in the prosecution of a coven of witches from East Lothian who were accused of trying to assassinate him and his new bride using Black Magic. More than a hundred suspected witches were arrested and confessed under torture to having met with the Devil. Most were executed.

My favourite exhibit was a bit more modern - a photographic self-portrait by Sindy Sherman wearing a huge prosthetic nose and an array of warts on a very pointy chin.

It reminds me of someone, but it would take a ducking stool for me to say who.

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