
By dwalletta

Handbags at Dusk

Too much culture can play havoc with one's sense of reality. A hard day's festivalling, the best of which was Cuckooed, a true story from comedian and political activist Mark Thomas. A fellow campaigner who befriended him turned out to have been a plant, paid to spy on him by BAE Systems, Britain's largest arms manufacturer.

I'm not big into conspiracy theory, but it does make you wonder - is that friendly fellow blipper really interested in the size of your lens and your views on the ethics of street photography, or are they compiling a dossier to hand over to MI5? And is BlipCentral really the benign organisation it purports to be?

Pondering deeply on this while walking home, I happened across a mirage* of handbags floating in the air. I'll have to return tomorrow to check if they're still there.

* collective noun for a group of handbags - especially expensive ones.

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