Kath's Journal

By Kathb

There have been a few moments over the last few weeks that are worth recording – not that I will ever forget them! This is one such moment:

I was finishing my last group session and clearing everything up, when I received a phone call from the hospital. The caller told me that she was the duty doctor and that she had my mum’s test results. She explained what the tests were for and that they show either as positive or negative, and then said, ‘The thing is, if I have bad news for you, are you the sort of person who needs to come in to hear it, or should I just tell you now over the phone?’ I was speechless for a few seconds before asking her to continue. I am not cross with her or anything like that, but I don’t think she put her question quite as well as she could have done. I realise that she had a difficult job and even if she had simply asked me to come in, I would have known, wouldn't I?

What do you think of my new headphones? Well I don’t care how ridiculous they look (well, I do a bit), they are ace! I can put these on, feel safe and secure, and drift into peace. It doesn't last forever but it gives me some space and the space seems to widen.

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