
By Marychristine16


It was a wonderful occasion. More than I could have hoped for. The weather was warm and sunny. Lots of people came and enjoyed the tea and cream scones. The children's work was colourful and added a gay note. I pinned their fabric art on the fence creating a colourful welcome.
What fun it was to place my work in the garden. I did not want to compete with the flowers so the paintings were placed in far corners and odd corners to be discovered as one walked by. A good old fashioned farm gate is excellent for display and so is the compost heap!
My studio had lots of drawings pinned up and watercolour paintings and pastel drawings that have been languishing in drawers for years saw the light of day and had one more moment of glory. Many were "adopted" and carted off as the prices were low with that in mind.
We met up with old friends and made new friends and raised enough money to fund the art classes comfortably for another year .
The only let down was the photos as I think we were far too busy to concentrate. The photo chosen has Di's lovely jewellery in the foreground and gives a sense of the folk having a good time.

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