
By AnyOldIron


Woke up absolutely shattered this morning after our exertions of the last few days and had a mad dash to get to the dentist in time for our appointments. I have a strange, overwhelming sense of confusion today being back home, a culture shock I think. London was amazing but I think my senses were temporarily overloaded and I felt a strong need while we were out to surround myself with the familiar and comforting.

Today's photo, then, is of the lane leading to my grandad's farm in Middle Rasen. The village of Middle Rasen, and its more grown up brother, the small town of Market Rasen are about as Lincolnshire as you can get and consequently very soothing.

My grandad's farm was an idyllic place to waste time when I was young. The pace of life was so relaxed (although maybe not so much for my grandad who got up at four every morning and toiled all day) and my brother, cousin and I played out a million adventures in and out of the hay bale mountains, the barns with their trapdoors and the milking parlour. I needed the memories today to ground me.

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