
By Croft16

Has bean(s)..

G's favourite vegetable is the runner bean, and for the last 4 years, I've not been able to grow them. Up here in the far NW, the winds strip the leaves off, the flowers don't survive, and in a good year, we'd be lucky to get one feed..

Now we have the tunnel, I decided to plant some. It was a bit of an afterthought, and they were a bit late going in. I've still had problems with them, getting bees inside to pollinate the flowers has been difficult, but now we've got beans. Not as many as we might have had, next year I'll be planting more flowers outside to attract bees nearer to the tunnel. That and get a little paint brush and do it myself.

Anyway, we'll be picking our first proper feed in a couple of days (although we did have two with tea yesterday!)..

music, simply because I heard Reg Presley being interviewed on the radio some time ago, talking about crop circles. When asked how he had time to research them, he replied that he'd been that busy he'd not had time to get his runner beans in. There's a Rock 'n Roll lifestyle for you..!!

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