Back to the indoor jobs..

..Sunday 54 mm, Monday 10 mm, and a couple today, but it's been grey and mizzley all day. The pond had drained this morning, but it's still very wet to walk on..

We've now had over 100 mm this month, the 20 year average for August being 92. Still 19 days to go..

Back to the pointing, I chiseled out all the old cement, then fixed the cement mixer (it had rusted up and wouldn't spin on the frame), before mixing some new and pointing. I only mixed two bucketfuls, but it took 3 and a half hours to point up. A final brushing down and sweeping up, and it was 8 o clock.

Didn't quite finish, still have an area about the size of a plate to do on this wall, but I'll do that when I do the gable end.

Will soon have those trains running!!


Our broadband is so slow tonight, now taken over 50 mins to load this, and can't listen to the music..

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