Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Mellow Yellow

It's been what "us lot up here" call a nowtish sort of day.
By the time the grass was dry enough for silage (Overdue mow) I'd lost the notion. Settled for mooching around the house, cooking dinner and having a primary sortie into The SHED.
Between the meat going in and the taties etc. I put the finishing touches on the slaying of the Mahonia. There's now a hole awaiting the right Acer palmatum.
I was particularly struck by the colour of the wood.
Sorry RH I've never seen it more than 2-3" thick and brittle :¬((

While doing the spuds I was equally struck by their colour. I'm one of those blokes who, if I've a gap at the end when planting spuds will just grab one out of the vedge box. I wish I hadn't, give 'em a standard "tatie-length" boil and you end up with something akin to Spud soup.

By eye the spuds and the Mahonia were pretty close to the same colour.

Obviously NOT to the camera's eye.


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