Life with K.C.


Pink Twin's Treat

Well the day started with lesson number 3 on Blipping: make sure you charge your camera battery. We went to church today & thought I'd Blip my family & our church but my battery had run out! Not a problem as we'll back there again!

We went into Windsor today which is near where we live. My children have had a problem with going to bed since my twins were out of cots (please note I don't ever call my children 'the twins' apart from here as I don't want to use their names!). Having consulted a sleep expert we have now almost cracked bedtime. They get stickers for going to bed nicely & when they fill their chart they get a treat - a trip or activity. Pink Twin has it completely cracked & so far we've been out for noodles & for today's treat she chose to go on a boat trip. We were discussing it before we went and it become clear a trip along the Thames was not quite what they thought they were getting. They started talking about getting out of the boat & looking at star fish... as we did last year in Antigua. After explaining we were going on a river & not to the Carribean off we went.

So my Blip shows our family returning back to Windsor with Windsor Castle in the background. It was a 40 minute tour & we were sitting at the top behind the captain. We've lived locally for 12 years & I'd never done the trip before. I'd certainly recommend it. I found it tricky to get the focus right as there are 3 aspects with the castle in the background, the boat controls (bridge?) plus the family. I thought the castle was most important hence I chose this one.

Thank you for the wonderful welcome from everyone. I feel very at home. Mr KC even helped me chose which photo to use so I think he's getting in to it too!
Oh and just so you know I did the ironing yesterday - big brownie points to me!

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