A Rumble in the Jungle

Off to the Young Vic in London to see A Season in the Congo with amazing actor Chiwetal Ejiofor. Some of the cast flew out to Goma in DR Congo to visit the camps where Oxfam works and prepare for the production, and it is raising funds for Oxfam with a special performance tomorrow. It tells the story of the first democratically elected leader of the Congo, Patrice Lumumba, and his betrayal by a certain Col. Mobutu with the collusion and support of America. This Congolese musician whom the production team met during their trip with Oxfam was brought over to play a role in the production.

If you've ever read The Poisonwood Bible this is the 1960s when the US and Soviet Union were fighting their proxy wars in the post-colonial African states with disastrous consequences.

It's been sold out every night, and there was a long queue for returned tickets.... and I found myself sat on a bench just a couple of spaces away from another excellent actor - Benedict Cumberbatch.

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