Optimistic Moments

By Hava

Another Photo

Left the university nice and early at 8.15am and headed to the West Lake for a boat trip. This was followed by a walk to a particular pond in a park where the fish swim in one line when you clap your hands at a steady pace. Was one of the weirdest things, would like to find out the science behind that.

Then onto another market with this famous golden Buddha. I don't know the history behind it but I do know that 2 Chinese families asked me to join their family photo with the statue. So the Chinese are fascinated by westerners. There are always people staring and then there are the sly ones who take a photo of you from a distance with the hope you haven't noticed, although it's not always from a distance come to think of it. Then you find those who ask you to join them in a photo. I think I've got used to it now. Should really start keeping track of randomers taking photos of me for a laugh.

After lunch I had my first lesson in the module I was allocated which I think is called Nationalism in Contemporary China? In a nutshell it was the history of China and the British involvement but I can't tell you much about it since I was falling asleep for the majority of the lesson...I was completely knackered from the day + heat like most of people.

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