
By dorrit


My daughter and I got out of the car this afernoon after going to the video store. We spent all day cleaning the floors, the bathroom, the refrigerator and the laundry. We were due for some mindless movies! As we were pulling in I realized that I had not taken a picture today and I told her it was too late and I was too tired. Just then I looked up and saw this little chipmonk-looking squirrel sitting on the post. I reached for my camera on the front seat of my car and he ran away into that big bush. (As some of you know, I talk to birds but I usually am not crazy enough to talk to squirrels, however, I was desperate!) I said, "Oh, please come back, Little Squirrel, I just wanted to take your picture, I wasn't going to hurt you." So, of course, he came back. He posed for about 20 pictures but this one had one of my other friends in it, too. So now, I know you are thinking, "He only came back because he thought she was nuts!" and you might just be right.

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