
By dorrit


My husband, OrygonHomeBoy, was one of fourteen brothers and sisters. He was #3. There were ten boys and four girls. Tonight some of us "older folk" went to the casino for dinner. The younger crowd got together at my niece's house to do crafts. OryK and RoadWarrior went back with "notyetablipper" to chill at the lake house. The beautiful girl in the front left is one of my daughters, three down is me, and five down is Momsrachel. It occurred to me, that even though we at this table are not all siblings, we are fourteen sitting around the table - just as some of the people at the table did for all their growing up years. Fourteen kids (and a mom and dad) sitting around their huge built in table with Dad's custom made naugahyde bench seats ( he was an upholsterer) Thats a lot of people to seat at a table! We had to shove lots of tables together to fit at the restaurant tonight!
#3, #10, #5, #6, #4, #11 and #14 are seated at this table.

Carol, you know eight of them!

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