Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

What's in a name?

Here's three of the gang on an afternoon stroll?

I'm always asked how I came to name the dogs and I think ive probably told you about Roos name ( being a fan of AA Milne as a kid) but im a Man Utd fan too, so come to your own conclusions,so naturally if you have a Roo you need a Kanga, so why is Kanga fondly known as Psychochi, I have a friend who is a alternative therapist and she came round one evening to do a spot of reiki it was her first meeting with Kanga, who sat on the arm of the sofa just gazing at her and getting ready to kill!!

So my friend was rooted to the spot and told me I had a psycho dog and the name stuck...

Mexi was Ruby when she arrived as she had ruby red eyes but Ruby and Roo were to similar so what do you call a little Mexican dog!!

Lastly my baby Bean as she is a little jumping bean but she stayed at home today so ill blip her another day.

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