
By Cully

Brothel shufflers

Me and my bridesmaid headed to the shops to try on bridesmaid dresses tonight. She has fell in love with a navy dress but my mum isn't happy. It would mean the men would need to where grey suits (already ordered) navy ties and brown shoes. I explained brown shoes would be easier to find than navy. She was horrified at the thought of navy shoes too!

"They can't have navy they will look like brothel shufflers"

She explained brothel shufflers are suede shoes, usually navy with light rubber soles that are so quiet you can shuffle through certain places without being heard.

So I have found some grey shoes, I can't wait to see her reaction when she realises they are 'winklepickers'.

I shared my concerns with another bride to be and close friend. Her mum too has a problem with brown shoes. It must be a generation thing. Well you can't please everyone.

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