Rib tickler!

Today I went on an RIB. Me! on a boat smaller than a Calmac boat? well yes and guess what? I loved every minute of it!
My fellow blipper & I met up with another blipper visiting Argyll. She had invited us up to their wee hideaway pad in Mid ARgyll . So we turned up also with two children in tow & wondered what lay ahead!

We needn't have worried, these guys were salt of the earth friendly & warm folks and we all clicked.
They kindly took us out a run in their rib boat and boy did we have a blast. Went to one of the many wee islands dotted round here and saw all manner of things including a child wearing the holiest jumper I ever saw! such a jumper had been feast for generations of moths and should have been confined to the bin eons ago! but them some folks think that's the way the toffs dress!
I have to say after three weeks on the road with all that entailed, today was the most chilled I have been in a month, the best therapy ever. I wish chubby hubby had been able to come as he would have had a ball too but some other time perhaps.
In the meant time Bernydoll & lovely husband Mike...thanks for making the snapper totally relaxed & mellow.
Happy blipping all

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