Doon the water

Well if you count todays cruise, I have been on 18 water crossings of one form or another in 4 weeks!
Today chubby hubby & I went doon the waater or should that be up as we were in Loch Fyne. The weather wasnt at its previous best but what the heck

I have always wanted to go on this steamer as when I was in St Peters school in Partick in the 60's our school trip , we were all hearded onto the train at Partick bound for Balloch. There we headed for the paddle steamer the Maid of the Loch which then paddled its way up Loch Lomond with all these wee weans frae Partyick running like ants all over the boat. We had an absolute ball, barged off at Tarbert, ran all the way up to what was then a wee shop, bought/pinched what we could then headed back onto the Maid homeward bound for Balloch, train then back to PArtick. What a day! Brilliant
So today for a while I was 10 again!

I liked the photo of the wee Wegies complete with toorie bunnets & plastic mugs ootside enjoying the bracing sea air

Happy blipping all

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