
By 1bluebell

Arctic circle adventure

Thank you to every one who looked and commented yesterday. The journey was scary at times and we learnt later in the day that there had been a very serious coach crash on the road just ahead of where we were staying which closed the road for several hours. Thank fully we were not affected but some folk were having a far worse day than us.

Today was a beautiful journey on the Flam railway. The pictures are of the Kjosfossen waterfall which has a free fall of 305 feet. Whilst there this dancer came out to lure us into the nearby woods with her dance and music. The other picture is 11 hairpin bends on the road which is now only used as a cycle path or for walking.

We then had a 5 hour ferry crossing to Bergen arriving at 9 pm where we had dinner! It is now gone 11 pm and we are hoping for sleep tonight but we are above a pub area which is still in full swing with live music.

The fjord was beautiful but we took very few pictures and just enjoyed the view.

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