A womans' work is never done

All these bags contain pillowslips that Ann has brought home to iron.

It's all go at 'STAR linen hire', where she works. Today she worked in the office and went tootling around in the 'STAR car'. This evening she has been working in the ironing room.

Not quite sure how all this work has come about??!! Her official title is 'office administrator' or 'Stephen's PA'. PART-TIME!!!!

Stephen has only had the business for about 18 months and in that time the work load has quadrupled! In the summer everyone has to pull their weight. When Ann left at 9pm tonight, Matt, the laundry manager, was arriving to work through the night from 9pm - 9am.

Hope all you holiday makers appreciate the effort that goes into providing you with nice clean bedding. Tonight Ann had the stress of the water being turned off for more than an hour. That meant the guys in the washing machine room couldn't do any washing. Even Ann's offer of tea & biscuits for the 'road digger upers' didn't make them speed up. She knew when they said it would be off for 20 mins they were lying!!!! But you holiday makers don't care about stuff like that do you? It's not your problem so I'll stop wittering.

I've had a lovely day with my dog sitters and now I'm a bit sleepy. Thank you for all your good wishes and comments about my rash yesterday. I'm feeling a lot better today and am not scratching nearly so much.

Last 12 hour shift for Ann tomorrow. YAY!

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