The sun terrace at night

This is a bit of an emergency blip. Ann's been running around like a headless chicken all day.

If working 12 hour days wasn't enough - last night when she was grooming me she discovered I had a rash on parts of my back and tummy. I've been doing a lot of 'scratching' recently, but as I always scratch more in the summer she wasn't unduly worried.

However when she saw my rash she was very worried! She gave me extra cuddles and said, 'Poor little Mollycollie, we'll go and see the vet tomorrow'.

So first thing this morning off we went to the vets.

The vet didn't really know what was wrong with me. Ann was an hour late for work but she says my health is more important. He said it showed all the signs of fleas or little mites. But he couldn't find any fleas or little mites on me and Ann only treated me with 'stronghold' last week.

The vet kept calling me 'little sausage'. I don't think I look anything like a little sausage but Ann said it was a term of endearment because he hadn't looked at his notes properly and didn't know what my proper name was.

Anyway he has given me some pills to stop me scratching and charged Ann £29.34 for the privilege. A human prescription is only £7 something. She says it's just as well that she loves me loads & loads.

And that's it folks. I've had a lovely day at my dog sitters. We've only been home half an hour so we're having a little chillax on the sun terrace.

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