Enjoying The Sunshine Between Showers ...

It has been raining here on and off all day not that it really matters to me today as I ache all over that much that I am finding it a little difficult to get around without hurting, sometimes this hypermobility syndrome gets me down. I know I shouldnt have done the gardening over the past two days with Eric but I enjoy doing it and while I was doing it I felt fine, it is the next couple of days that I suffer,grrr. My hips ache, my groin aches, my knees ache, my back aches, I feel low and weepy.

The consultant I see says I may have a rare disease as well as now I dislocate quite often and my ligaments are over stretching and not going back to normal, the consultant thought my joints may be subluxing so he sent me for an xray but they are normal (well at least something is).

Enough whinging from me today as there are alot worse people out there than me.

A nice shower and a good feel sorry for mysef session coming my way tonight, me think ...

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