Flappers ...

I feel alot better today, Thankyou for all your well wishes yesterday you are all so kind, Tracey xxx

I popped to see my favourite Aunty this morning for a cup of tea and a chocolate chip muffin, she is such a darling I love her to bits, she lives in the country and is a true Norfolk Girl, I love her Norfolk slang even though I come from Norfolk myself I am not asbroad as her.

When I was little I used to stay at hers in the six weeks holidays for a week, it used to be great fun, when we used to go to the shops she used to tell me to put the key under the threshold, I never knew what she meant at the time, haha, but now I do.

Thankyou Aunty Betty for a lovely morning.

Loves Ya Loads

Tracey xxx

This is Aaron's big flappers, he makes me smile, he has such a great fashion sense, similar to what I used to have when I was his age. I love his pink laces they are so cool.

"Digging your flappers Aaron"

I just noticed my year ago blip was of little Toffee Bless Her, I miss our little chats.

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