
By pose

I woke up a bit late but Phil was already on it. Packed all my stuff after the first shift and got ready for the second when Dad told me the pump had broken so we couldn't open. Dad bought me some Solero shots instead... I've been wanting them for ages. I felt about 10 eating them.

I ended up getting a lift back with Elizabeth and Melika which was way better than a lonesome train journey. Bit gutted I bought a ticket though. Got home and saw the Madre which was nice and we had an indian and went for a late night skip rummage... she knows me well.

I could take up pages trying to explain just how excited I was by what we found in the skip. I'll keep it down to a short list and you'll just have to imagine how overwhelmed with excitement I was. We got a box of stationary (about £200 worth), 2 chairs, a suit holder, hangers, a massive roll of paper and 2 pairs of good quality vans (shoes). EPIC. Such a good pre-birthday present.. for free.

Edit: Just realised they're not even Solero shots they're calipo... since when?!

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