Birthday Timez.

Had a lie in. I was tirrreeeddd. Went downstairs and mum had made a cute pile of presents but I waited until she came back from work to open them. I got some siiicckkk presents, I always think I'm not a fan of birthdays but they're pretty nice really.

Mum and I headed to town for a meal in Carluccio's. Lush but major stuffed. Then I headed to the station to meet Rog and get the train to Emma's house. Rog and I had a catch up then became Siamese twins whilst waiting for our next train as Rog didn't have a jumper so she squeezed in mine. It wasn't much of a squeeze, it's pretty massive really. We met Laura on our next train and I had a hairy moment with an angry guy on the train. We had an argument about me putting my bag on his glasses (pure accident), he pushed my bag in Katie's face twice, hit me, I told him he was out of order then another guy saved the day by making me sit next to him away from the angry man. Epic.

Emma picked us up, took us to hers, gave us a tour, I opened presents from them then we chatted and Katie did henna on us before sleeps.

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