
This is my first senior photo shoot. After nearly 20 years as a yearbook advisor receiving senior photos, I get to be on the other end sending them to the new advisor. Serena, a terrific young lady who was a student in my Lyricism class last year, employed me to photograph her. We shot these at a vineyard (winery) in the hills well outside of McMinnville, a beautiful spot. I was a little worried about the gloomy lighting and low cloud ceiling, but Serena insisted we shoot. I'm glad we did because I think the clouds added some atmosphere and mood to the shots. Serena brought her sister Bella and mom Leslie with her, and we got some fun group shots as well. Serena and I used to trade book recommendations in class all the time, and we saw her at the Country Fair this summer...both examples of her being the cool person she is. It was a true honor having Serena serve as my first senior photo shoot.

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