
3years 297days

Summer you say? Sunshine you say? Shorts and tshirts was that? Nooooo, grey, wet, chilly. Puddlesuits, winter hats, mittens and wellibobs. Perfect for a pre-nursery stomp in the puddles time! Our five minute walk took 20 and it was wonderful!

Nursery drop off today was a happy affair. She went to Steven with a smile on the promise of going to feed the fish (her personal daily job) and watering her beanstalks which are still there, and thriving! Steven promised her a big Peppa Pig sticker for being so happy and helpful.

Katie's 3 things
The children going to school are having gradulations. But I'm not going to school yet so I can't go. Joes going though
Ella said if some clothes are clean they don't have to go in the wash.
My beans have grown big now

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