
4years 298days

Granny aged another year this morning. So we made a cake. She cant have it til tomorrow (and wont see it before, she doesnt see the journal unless my Dad deliberately shows her it and he is with her watching "Elvis" for her birthday treat). Dad asked me to make the cake. My mother is far too amused by a particular episode of the Big Bang Theory, that involves a ballpool, Sheldon and the word Bazinga. Which Katie now thinks is a very funny word.

She did some very fabulous reading for me this morning - a long and fairly tricky book handled well. Preschool afterwards. When I got back, she had made Granny a beautiful card, had been having a whole heap of cuddles with Lesley and had read her book with her. I was really sad to learn that Lesley will be on holiday the next two weeks - it means today was Katie's last day with her. Lesley hadnt told Katie, in case I didnt want to, but I decided to and she gave Lesley two more huge hugs. We are both gutted that we didn't have any camera at all with us as Katie very much wanted a photo with her. We may pop in with her gift from Katie before she starts school and get a sneaky picture then!

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