Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

On the mend

Although we kept checking on him, the wee man managed to sleep through the night again last night. He even managed to hold down a little milk during an early morning feed too. In fact, despite not being his usual self, he managed to hold it all down until the middle of the morning. Thanks to his mum's expert feeding (short, frequent bursts) he went the whole day with only one small mishap. After the last couple of days, that's definite progress!

I must say, he's been particularly limp these last couple of days. He's had no energy or motivation to hold himself up on his own and despite not eating much, he feels heavier than ever (more like a dead weight).

To our surprise, and I'm guessing this might be a cry for help, he's even started to string two syllable words together. "Mamma" is the clear winner at the moment, followed closely by what appears to be "Baby". I wonder if that's his new name for me?

Thanks for all the kind wishes!

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