Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Poor boy

Although he made it through the night without any incidents unfortunately our wee man was still feeling rotten today. So much so that I ended up taking the day off work to help Nikki deal with the constant vomiting.

We had hoped we'd seen the worst of it but after three vomits before 9am we decided to call NHS Direct which in turn encouraged us to book the poor fellow in to see the doctor.

Thankfully we were seen pretty quickly but not before the wee man emptied his stomach in the doctor's surgery. The staff were brilliant with him though and didn't complain at all.

Fortunately the doctor wasn't too concerned, especially given that Grandma and Nikki were both suffering from something similar, and that his cousins apparently were all sick before the party at the weekend (nice to know). But we've been told to return tomorrow if he still can't keep his milk down.

I've no idea how many clothes and sheets we've been through today (baby and parents). Just when we think he's over the worst he'll surprise us with a little 'gift'. Ah well, at least he's not in too much pain. He's just a bit grumbly, cuddly, tired and messy.

Nikki went to bed with the bowl by her side so hopefully she'll wake up feeling better. I'm not sure how I'll cope cleaning up two people's vomit! Poor things x

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