
By Legacy

Hood Ornament

Update from Tuesday: The bird feeding ban is still on but my landlady and I have resolved our differences and things are better. We both apologized and while I'm still very, very sorry that I won't be able to feed my little birds, there are at least no hard feelings between us. I'm very lucky to have nice landlords and I don't want to live with hard feelings. That being said, I'm still probably going to look for a different place to live.

A good friend and neighbor down the block filled me in on the backstory with the pigeons. There are a number of neighbors up in arms over them and who view them as a serious problem in the neighborhood. There's one homeowner who refuses to stop feeding them and I get the feeling that there's going to be a concentrated effort made to convince her to do so.

Personally, I kind of like the pigeons. I think they have a lot of personality and well, I just like them. It makes me sad to think about them not being around, and I'm already sad about the other birds. Darn near broke my heart to see them flying around where the suet cakes used to be.

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