
By Shugs


Visited Shingwedzi today and the closer we got we began to see just how powerful nature can be. Massive trees had been ripped out and taken along in the rising flood water. Not even the metal balustrade on the bridge to the camp had survived. The camp is slowly being rebuilt and will be fabulous when finished.

We had a fantastic day, which included sightings of buffalo fish eagle, saddle billed stork, nyala, roan antelope, ground hornbill, kori bustard, tsessebe, elephant, zebra, impala, squirrel, grysbok, grey heron, hippo, bushbuck, crocodile, waterbuck, burchell's coucal, warthog and five cheetah! Who could ask for more? Oh, and for S, there were hoards of water bandits and a plethora of lilac breasted rollercoasters!

We were greeted on our return to camp by a flock of crested guinea fowl that are only found in this part of the park. Our suspicions that all was not well were raised when we spied baboon poo on the walkway to our tent. Yes we had been raided. Empty packaging was all that was left of their chosen spoils. But, they left our planned dinner minus the veg and most importantly, they didn't touch the wine!

Going north to Pafuri tomorrow. We are thinking of taking what is left of our food with us, just in cases.

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