Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Devil in the Details

I couldn't find any confirmation of the car rental I'd made in Iceland through Icelandair, though I remembered seeing it. I searched my emails but nothing came up. I finally found it after trying a couple of different keywords.

There were two reasons why it was so hard to find. The email I was looking for was in my gmail spam folder, along with many other emails that didn't belong there. (Comcast does a much better job sorting the wheat from the chaff.) It still would have been found if I'd searched for Air Iceland instead of Icelandair -- which is where the flight confirmation emails came from.

Now I have to try to make sense of the options for phone, text messaging, and data on the iPhone. It's great to have those features on a trip, but it's a bit more complicated (and expensive) when going out of country.

I'm very grateful that Cynthia does most of the planning for our trips.

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