Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Kelly Maid Service

Do you like their new uniforms???!!

OK, she's not really a Kelly Maid Service girl...she's my pal, and she taunted Sister, DebbieS, with her special new ribbon. Debbie was jealous, I'm sure, but she didn't let on. Both were real troopers today as they jumped in, last minute, to give us a hand with the final preparations for setting up the Estate Sale.

In the middle of our preparations, this week, my cell phone went to the land where defunct devices never see the light of day. This set off a chain reaction which led to new phones and a new plan. I am now the frustrated...but learning..owner of an iphone. It is holding my blip, from yesterday, hostage until I figure out how to upload it. I'm sure it's a piece of cake, but I'm so not up for learning new things right now!

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