Day 550 - The life of Brian!

I can't believe that today is my 550th day of blipping! I wouldn't have actually known apart from seeing Rose's blip this morning, and she mentioned that it was her 550th. I remembered that we shared our 365th, albeit she's based in the US so is really one day ahead of me.

Anyway, there's not a lot to report today and it's not a 'special' blip by any means - it's been damp and drizzly all day so we haven't actually ventured out. But it's been a good day for getting more jobs done in the house, and we're now at a stage where it's pretty much done. Ok, there's a bit of re-organising needed as we get used to things, and there are still a few boxes in the garage, but there's nothing major left to do.

That said, it meant that I've not been anywhere to take any interesting photos, so when I took Louis out for a walk tonight, I took my camera - just in case. It was very misty and I was unable to take any scenic shots, so I resorted to flowers, but then I spotted this snail feeding on this plant. I took a few macro shots, and got stung by a nettle in the process, but I'm quite pleased with the result.

We've not got any plans tonight - just relaxing at home with a nice glass or two of chilled Bandol wine and Fajitas for dinner. It's the start of the weekend so I hope you all have a good one!

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