Doggy Paddle

This morning we walked along the coastal path to Ovingdean where there's a beach side cafe, and we sat and had bacon sandwiches for brunch. On the way back we nipped into Rottingdean to pick up a few bits from the hardware store which included a new bird house together with nuts and sunflower seeds.

Then we went down to the beach so Louis could have a play - he started digging for pebbles and we found a nice little rock pool where the sea was quite still. He had a great time as you can see, and although I got some photos of him in the sea, they're not very clear as he was so quick. In this shot he's waiting for Alan to throw another pebble for him to chase.

I also got some photos of a young seagull fishing and on one of them he's doing a headstand - it's a great photo, but I decided my blip today had to be of Louis, so I've put the seagull in my blipfolio if you want to take a look.

Hope you're all having a good weekend!

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