
By Stace91

Emergency Duck!

Thank you to everyone for the comments and stars on yesterday's blip :-)

Also thank you for the lovely well wishes for my gran. I am happy to report she was doing much better today when I saw her, could even wave her right hand and she had a brighter spirit. Things will take time to recover fully but she is improving everyday :-)

As I will be traveling mainly to the hospital the next few days I may have a few emergency blips so please forgive them if they are not to interesting.... I am hoping in the next couple of weeks to return to my planned adventures to the mountains etc.

I went around to the canal this afternoon when I came home and saw some pigeons and ducks having a swim in the water. These ducks caught my attention, they kept hiding from each other under the water and playing chase. It was cute to watch.

Spending my night with some comfort food, ice cream and movies :-)
Hope you are all having a nice weekend.



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