
Panic set into Millies face as she come out of the turn after the first Km, one of her shoe laces had come undone, all I heard was my lace is undone what do I do what do I do. Millie was cruising on the front bunch. I told her to stop do it up and catch them up again as she is strong enough to do it. With 4km to go Millie powered away to catch and pass the main bunch and to hold them off until the finish. Millie finished 2nd overall beaten by Margo Gibson former World Secondary Schools Cross Country Champion and New Zealand Junior Women Champion Millie won her grade Youth Women Under 18 her Time of 18:02 was 48 seconds faster than her nearest rival and fellow NZ Secondary Schools Team mate. So today was another great result and learning curve for Millie 1st palce Youth Women U18 Canterbury Road Champion. Stopping to do up shoe laces cost 30 seconds The runner in the background still has just over 1km to go Millie is comming down to the finish line.

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