Bee Beep

Today we found ourselves on a big day out to Gulliver's World in Warrington. I'd never been before so was happy to give it a go.
We set off super early as we also booked 4 places at the "Splash Zone" first. I didn't seem to disappoint but Alex & I got a bit restless for time since all we could do is sit around & wait!
Anyway, the day was activity filled & there was slight amusement as a lot of the rides for Ferguson & Gracie required an adult.
This was the most humorous when the embarrassment level of the ride out-did the real need for an adult to be present....!
Other highlights included: the ZingZillas riding the swing carousel with us & Ferguson proclaiming he was (& Alex) "circle-sick", a snow toboggan that was simply white astro turf, getting a soaking wet bum on the water rapids ride, & generally seeing how excited children can get with the simplest of things.

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