Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A river runs through it

Today we had a leisurely cycle up the valley to a mountain restaurant, had a cup of coffee and cycled back. I say leisurely as I had a real treat today...Gavin rented me an e-bike for the morning! The cycle rides around here are difficult to extremely difficult (well for me) as they are all uphill, and yes, coming down is all downhill but that is not always comfortable, gripping the brakes for all you are worth. The e-bike is like a normal mountain bike except it has a motor and when the going gets tough you just flip a switch to either a standard or high setting and away you glide, pedalling with no effort at all. It was great fun but I did feel very much like my grandmother riding one of those, feeling very guilty amongst all the other serious cyclists who do these routes on bikes with no gears just for the fun of it. To be fair they are very popular here and one sees more and more people of all ages riding them.

This is the view of the river running along the path on which we cycled.

Gavin has now left to go back to the UK and tomorrow he flies to Australia for the week, for work, and he arrives back here next Saturday afternoon and then we drive home together on Sunday. Luke is still in France so it is a reduced number of us this week, although we have been joined by one of Adam's friends from school.

Thank you so much for the hearts and stars yesterday of my cow photo, it hit the favourites page and is still there.

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