Live it loud!

By Lostpixel


The family was abandoned for a few hours today while I escaped with my camera. Was wondering how I was going to manage having lost two lens hoods and my filter adaptor ring somewhere on the journey here (most frustrating....).

The bright sun and white walls a challenge. Many of the back streets were quite deserted but I stumbled across this scene. The old lady had just waked past me down the hill (I was stationary at the time, no so slow as to be passed by someone nearly double my age) when, as she stopped and knocked at the door, it opened and the couple on the right emerged. I think they were as much interested in me as me taking their photo.

Eventually I wandered down hill from the old town down to the old fort and jetty where half a dozen lads were diving off the wall into the old harbour. A few shots taken and they were soon over to browse their antics and email address proffered so I can send them a memory.

Off to jump in the shower before going out to eat later. I will no doubt catch up tonight.

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