Better than working...

...or so it seems.

Did something today that we have only done on holiday. We went out on a sea fishing trip today on one of the lovely brightly coloured wooden boats that operates from Lagos. While we caught endless mackerel and just one sea bass, none of the fish were big.

There were two exceptions. I caught the second largest mackerel that was easily twice the size of the others. The second exception, again mine, was even larger, but, in the fight to bring it on board, it swam under the boat, tangled my line with another and then broke my line just as I got it to the surface. I had been watching this fish for twenty minutes letting smaller fish escape after nibbling the bait. Eventually it took a shot at the bait, and it was mine. All the guys on the boat had been watching and were helping untangle the lines when it made off. GRRrrrrr....

We still brought plenty back with us so its grilled fish for dinner tonight.

They guys on the boat do actually work hard, ensuring everyone is ok, has drinks (it's 36 deg C onshore today), doing all the sailing bit (even though we didn't get under sail today, they went up to provide shade - very welcome). One guy from Oz was great fun, even letting us rib him rotten about the cricket. He moved from Sydney to Portugal 14 years ago. He spoke perfect Portuguese so he gets on fabulously with the locals.

A good day all round. Off now to prep dinner.....

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