'Eyes Like Stars'

By ZombieButterfly

Wasps dinner

Did you know wasps like to devour enormous beetles? Me neither. I almost trod on these on the way in to town and when we came back the wasp had a friend eating it too. Sharing is caring, I guess. Any idea what kind of beetle? The purple on it was so pretty but it really was large, I'd say over an inch easily.

Got a 3DSXL, I love it! Very expensive mistake that's cost me a weeks wages but as I took out the accidental damage cover on it I think I should be okay.

Back to work tomorrow but it should be okay. Although my work partner is leaving in the next couple of weeks and I'm dreading who I may end up being put with. Oh well... Another week off in mid-September so I'll battle on and see what happens. I do really hope that I get someone as lovely as C though...*sob*

[[edit]] Okay, I think it's a 'violet ground beetle', carabus violaceus. Anyone around to confirm?

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