Palm Tree -- Gone!
We noticed yesterday that our neighbors were having something done in their front yard. We thought new sprinklers were being installed. Then we realized that all their lawn had been removed, so we knew it was a major overhaul of the front yard.
Early this morning the commotion next door continued. Buzzing saw noises were filling the air. So I walked to our upstairs window and that's when I realized that a couple of the palm trees were being removed. The most natural thing for a blipper to do, happened next -- I grabbed the camera and took pictures. So now you can see too.
Mr. Fun won't be home till later this evening--Wednesdays are always long days for him--so when he gets here he's promised that he will turn on the spa and we'll soak in it and reminisce and celebrate the 29th. After the stark reminder yesterday of the brevity of life, we'll be celebrating and even reminiscing the wonders of married life.
Only 2 days till Carole King's song -- last night of July and "The First Day of August."
Signing off from sunny Southern California, where the heat wave has subsided slightly and the celebrating is about to begin!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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