Odd Days

By odddays

Baby Deer

Wondering what to blip...Outside temperature drops significantly and so we ask kids to open their bedroom windows so as to get air moving through the house. Girly discovers mother and two baby deer munching their way through the neighbors' yards. Mr. Odd Days suggests blipping them. Grab camera. Short lens. No memory card. Grab regular lens. Wrong one. Grab telephoto lens. Change to telephoto lens. Insert memory card as sprinting for front yard from living room. Deer have moved into neighbor's apple orchard. Can't see babies. Begin walking up driveway in bare feet. Tender bare feet. Many small rocks on driveway. Ask Girly if I can borrow her shoes. She is nice enough to loan her sandals. (Side note: apparently her feet are almost as big as mine now. Time will tell but I suspect I will be the shortest and have the smallest feet in our family.) Cross street to the accompaniment of many "ouches" from Girly with bare feet. Catch deer munching. One baby stared at me for ages (in photographic time). The other baby never even looked at me. Mom wasn't too worried until I started getting closer. Then she led her babies off to nibble on someone else's plants. Back across street. Return shoes to Girly. Wonder if flip-flops should be part of my camera bag's standard equipment. No longer wondering what to blip today.

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