Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Jessie J - V Festival 2013

After giving you one for the ladies yesterday, ithought it only fair to provide a shot to please the lads.

I don't get a lot of time to watch performances when working there as the Council's Licensing Officer but I took along a good camera in the hope of capturing something. Jessie J doesn't half belt them out!. I was fortunate enough to be to the side of the stage for part of her set, one of the perks of the job.

I'd hoped to do the same for Beyonce, but when she arrived on stage 25 minutes late, with only a 10 minute buffer between her scheduled end of performance and the licensed close of the event, I had other things on my mind!

I've added a few more shots in Blipfolio

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