Can you guess the music?

Hero performed his 'Scary Story/This Is Halloween' routine at Crufts in March and he has performed it many many times since then. He knows it and he is getting a bit bored with it, so rather than training it over and over again for the rest of the year, we have started working on his new routine to give him new challenges.

It is a difficult routine, so it will take a long time to get ready. If you are Danish, Scandinvian or maybe even German, then you ought to be able to guess the music from this picture. Anyone else won't know it ;-). - Get the answer by clicking here!

Luckily Biscuit is not fed up with his routine yet, so at least it is only one new routine I have to learn right now. Phew! :-)

Work, dog walk, training and now it is time for school books... Phew!
Have a good day, Blippers!
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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