Raining cats and dogs

Helle and I met to train dogs today. Gosh it was wet! It started ok dry, but soon the heavens opened and we trained the rest of the dogs in heavy rain. The dogs don't mind though, so it was only us that was moaning ;-)

This is Helle and Jazz working on their new jump in the rain.

Since we were already wet, we decided to take the dogs for a walk, when we were done training. We drove to Pedersborg lake, let the dogs swim and play in the water for a bit and then walked around the lake.

I am now home with 3 very wet, but happy and content dogs. I have been asked to answer some questions about Biscuit and his dog dancing career for a Portuguese Dog Sports Magazine, so I will do that now. They are doing an issue about shelties and would like to write about a dancing sheltie.

Happy Sunday, Blippers!
Emmy and the HazylandBoys

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